How the Law of Attraction Changed My Life

Law of Attraction

I remember watching The Secret for the first time in 2013 and having mixed feelings. Could it be so easy? Could what I think about simply be “attracted” into my life? I was skeptical, but as a self-proclaimed personal development junkie, I decided to give it a try.

I would close my eyes after praying and exude feelings of love, desire to become a writer and entrepreneur, and positivity. That was two years ago. I eventually realized that the Law of Attraction was so much more than my simple exercise. It included what I focused on, thought about, talked about, looked at, etc. so I committed myself to pursuing writing and entrepreneurship more aggressively.

I began to think about my dreams in detail. I reflected on what the moment would be like when I finally got a call that my writing would be published. What would I do? How would I react? Where would I be? I dreamt of it constantly.

And as the law promises, things began to come together in my life in ways that I could never have imagined.

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